About Nicetown CDC

MissionHistoryVision  | Programs | Voices of the NCT CDC

Working Together To Put The Nice Back In “The Town”

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The NTCDC mission is to dynamically improve the quality of life in Nicetown and surrounding communities, by establishing sustainable community economic development.

We fulfill our mission with a holistic and inclusive approach to goals and objectives that prioritize public safety; mobilization through “re-education” and training; affordable housing development; commercial corridor revitalization; arts & culture, and land care. The capacity to implement these goals and objectives is optimized by our strategic partnerships, collaborations, and volunteerism, with those that share a common purpose with our mission.


The Nicetown CDC (Community Development Corporation) was established in 1999 by a group with extensive experience in community development. Focused on Nicetown and neighboring areas, the organization has played a crucial role in economic and housing development, social services, small business training, and community engagement. Over the years, they have revitalized commercial corridors, organized festivals and concerts, developed affordable housing, established energy and job search centers, and contributed to the improvement of parks and gardens. The Nicetown CDC remains committed to dynamically improving the quality of life in the community through sustainable initiatives.


Nicetown CDC celebration
Nicetown CDC envisions a future marked by sustainable prosperity and vibrant community development.

We aspire to create an environment where public health and safety are paramount, community members are empowered through re-education and training, affordable housing flourishes, commercial corridors thrive with revitalization, and arts, culture, and land care contribute to a rich tapestry of community life. Drawing from our decades of experience, we envision continued success in fostering economic growth, social services, small business empowerment, and community engagement. Our vision is a united, thriving Nicetown celebrated for its achievements and community strength.


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