Apply now for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LIHEAP is a program that pays for home heating assistance each winter. Homeowners and most renters can get LIHEAP if they can show they are responsible for heating costs and have income that is less than 150% of Federal Income Guidelines.
There are three kinds of assistance available:
- LIHEAP Cash: Grants toward your heating bill will range from $300-$1000
- LIHEAP Crisis: Pays up to $1,000 to stop a shut-off of utility service, get service turned back on, or get fuel
- LIHEAP Crisis Interface: Provides for the repair or replacement of the heating system or furnace
- Apply Between NOVEMBER 1, 2023 and APRIL 5, 2024
- Apply online at:
- Apply in person at your local County Assistance Office
- Call the LIHEAP Hotline at 1-866-857-7095 to request an application
- Mail or drop off your application at the LIHEAP office, located at 1163 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
- OR fax your application to 215-560-2260
If you mail or fax your application, be sure to keep a copy and call the LIHEAP hotline to confirm it was received.
If you live in Philadelphia and are having trouble applying for LIHEAP or are facing other utility issues, contact Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (CLS) at 215-981-3700 and leave us a message. For more information about CLS, visit